09 April 2006

sculpture at hortus

"schrijvertje" People are to the only being that write. He cuts its signs in the skin of the ground, as proof of its existence. Water flows, changes constant and the signs flow.

Currently on exhibition at de hortus
(Amstedam's botanical gardens) works by the sculpture collective ABK

March 11 - April 17

In March and April several artists from the ABK (an Amsterdam sculptors collective) will exhibit work based on the classical story, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499), about a dream journey undertaken by Poliphilus in his quest for his spiritual love Polia. The sculptures will guide you through this dream, showing you inspiring moments and asking your attention for related themes.

the homepage of the sculptor collective ABK.

THE ABK are an association, where wide 50 expressive artists have been connected. These artists have joined their strengths in a common documentation centre where information is available concerning the connected sculptors and the exposities which the ABK organise. The previous years exposities have been among other things realised in the hortus botanicus in Amsterdam, the castle museum Sypensteyn in Loosdrecht, nature garden park Amstelglorie in Amsterdam and the old church in Amsterdam. THE ABK have three-dimensional art as an aim of promoting and look after the interests of its members by conciliation at tasks, purchase and hiring buy of work to individuals and companies. More questions? More knows? You are invited on the coming exposities

translated by babelfish

click on "namenlijst" to view artists work

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