15 September 2006

Jordaanfestival - Amsterdam

I envy kids that live in the Jordaan. They probably have hippie parents that ride them around on a bakfiets all day. They play hide and seek in the small, cobbled streets and on the squeezed-in playgrounds. Totally cute don’t you think? I actually envy the parents too. I want to be a Jordaan parent and have a bike to put my future kids in.

For some face-to-face envying, I must insist we all go to the Jordaanfestival this weekend. Happy thoughts will be transmitted to you by different artists.

Singers like Peter Beense, Marianne Weber and a lot of others will bring you the traditional Jordaan songs.

Two days of joy and happiness and the memory of good old times. So get ready for the ultimate Woodstock-meets-Mokum-vibe and bring your camper if necessary, because as the organisation says: “This is the one and only real festival of Amsterdam.”

Op 16 en 17 september 2006 zal het festival weer losbarten op de Westermarkt.

Vele artiesten zullen hun opwachting doen bij het jaarlijks terugkerend feest.

Dit jaar zal het festival starten op zaterdag 16 september om 13.00 uur en sluiten om 24.00 uur.

Op zondag starten we om 13.00 uur en dan stoppen om 23.00 uur.

On September 16th and 17th there will be a festival on the Westermarkt.

On Saturday it will begin on 13.00 till 24.00 hr.

On Sunday from 13.00 till 23.00 hr

We welcome you on this free festival and we give you the time of your live.

Where we find the festival? Clik here.

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