I heard a story the other day, in a Jordaan Cafe. I was asking about the Dutch name for Hollyhocks, which is stockrosen. They are currently in bloom and are thickly spread throughout the streets of Amsterdam.
I was told that thay are the gift of an elderly Amsterdam woman who spread the seeds in the streets before she died. They have continued to spread and bloom.
This is all the information I have, if you know more can you let me know please?
This is a self perpetuating street installation of great beauty.
yep babelfished
Who we are and where we stand in front Living on the world improves and more beautiful make. For Loesje is that no air castle or an activity which can leave the bests concerning to the bosses, experts and/or speculators. Your ideals to realise does you of it building a castle daily. Let hear of you, intervene, participate. Rumour: Somewhere in its day book a secret plan for conquering the world seems have to stand Loesje. That plan comes there on that within 8 years the Netherlands in the knip, within 16 years the activities BelgIi sit? and Luxembourg in the spell bring vervolgens in 32 and 64 years to keep on pushing to Europe and the complete world. Itself makes texts Everyone has influence. But how do you get that? Posters make our answer is. Others make a newspaper, set up a loss-making TV station or start a trade union. Loesje choose for the poster as a medium. Simply, direct, on the street and under people. The right to the freedom of opinion shaping is not there for nothing. Well, we do still the right to opinion shaping and opinion change. With the posters we ensure a flow of progressive idee?n which does not dry. We think that early or leaves nobody there to escape can. And then it becomes really just celebrates. Rumour: For Loesje the history is still not at all in order. Them even thinks that the nicest time lies still for us. According to her is that rechts-conservatieve-consumptie-gedoe of the last time again on his retour. Sense to help a hand? O yes, Loesje think that capitalism is succeeded by a creative society. There she strives thus to. Texts make for yourself To do some brainstorming, circular, imagination and fantasie. Posters make is not only nice and creative, of it also a piece becomes himself more gehaaider more malignant and. He who regular himself makes texts is no longer catch for three breaches. Rumour: With Loesje on your CV get you the better job. It shifts in any case firm under your possible bosses. Texts which are correct You can say something in hundred different manners. Art is it this way say that everyone you hear people become, curious, react and even will do. You do not make therefore zomaar texts. You make aansprekelijke texts, surprisingly, humoristic, relativising or militant. For everyone, because what the target group is also, everyone is important. Just like other media Loesje have a final editing which is responsible for the monthly serial texts. _ each first weekend of the month come member from the complete country at each other write and think. Many people send in also texts by means of our e mail address and the PO Box. At the beginning of the final editing there each month a list with two hundred texts hundred fifty lies from which can be chosen. Rumour: During the final editing they will discuss sometimes hours a text, whereas them at the same moment another text carelessly the prullenbak in to tumble. Further them with faxes and roll texts seem work there from the all over the world, whereas your text has exactly left to Helsinki or Rio the Janeiro... Loesje in practice He who of Loesje thinks no tightly organised association present himself of which the members come on the basis of formal appointments exactly on time at each other under the guidance of a bureaucratic governing board, must. Loesje are in practice which she carries out in its posters. An association which twists on enthusiasm and motivation, on idee?n and initiative. People who are active at Loesje are that from itself and not on the basis of democratically taken decide. You have sense or not. Enthusiasm and action strength, there go it for. Rumour: It seems that the best action of Loesje is unexpectedly invented generally and for the other members of it know something already is carried out also. To stick Officially plakken in the Netherlands have been still prohibited at many places. But in practice many police constables look at the other side on when they see you to the work. Also in a number of municipalities the prohibition on plakken has been put outside functioning because there not sufficient plakplaatsen are available for ide?le plakkers. There nevertheless difficulties should be then look Loesje after a lawyer at a possible process. We fight all cases to the Supreme Court from because we want create this way clarity how it is put with the freedom of opinion expression for ideële plakkers. Rumour: The best plakker of Loesje has been taken up once on a day four times. The agents who they would be now, however, from him but Sjaak stepped after each visit to the office simply at first the behangzaak to, thought each time bought new spullen, picked up at home new posters and left direction centre. After the fourth time those posters hung, however, beautiful. Since that day has been ie as a matter of fact taken up never more. To participate, member becomes, subscriptions, donaties and products You can member become of Loesje. At this moment Loesje approximately thousand members count of which there are two hundred really active. Active members invent with other members texts, ensure goeie idee?n, spread poster and are not dirty of more life in city, place or village. For? 25, - per year are you posterabonnee. Posterabonnees receive monthly the serial texts with the ledenbulletin. Loesje have a secretariat in arnhem where a number of volunteers and fixed strengths are responsible for coordination, administration and support. Loesje want be gladly independent of subsidies and large geldschieters. Hence that Loesje sells notebooks, crack calendars and other products actively and successfully. From income of this we pay our activities. Can order now also by means of Internet. Money, breach, giro. You have enough time money and little. But you gladly support Loesje. Plans have we enough, the financi?le resources less. Donaties are welcome on giro 1280296 of the foundation friends of Loesje, PO Box 1045.,6801 BA arnhem. In most of the cases tax calculation is possible. Rumour: It seems that there always, however, plans exist to change it and an other one within the association. This information will continue keep therefore a restricted houdbaarheids-datum. If still ask you have you can look at on: much asked questions. With other questions you can ring always, but can send a note or fax of course also. Or bowl once. Bel and we speak what.
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