29 April 2009

thisisrabbit - NZ

Renee Liang interviews thisisrabbit, a street artist, about his views on street art, graffiti and art in public spaces.


Slideshow of thisisrabbit's work.



"About now the question of profit and copyright turns up to sully everything. I’ve been following a local debate about an incident where a photographer exhibited photos of street art and then offered her prints for sale. Problem was, the photos she was selling as her own work (which technically it was) were close-cropped images of someone else’s work, a well known Auckland street artist. The street artist and his friends protested, and managed to get part of the exhibition taken down. But the photographer and her supporters replied that by putting his artwork (illegally) up in the public domain, he was renouncing his intellectual property rights and she was entitled to record it and disseminate it and in fact it was her form of tribute."

Street Art (+vlog)
25 November 2008
By Renee Liang

full article

this is from

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