07 June 2007

You only live TWICE

You only live TWICE
The Rietveld Academy in Second Life

SUNDAY, June 10 at 21.00 hrs

Graphic Design students go second life with Conversations falling from the sky - Confessions of a submissive avatar - 'Der Lauf der Prims' - The evolution of a fashionable newbie - and much more ...

And, Edo Paulus aka Edo Autopoiesis premieres his new virtual sound installation 'Resonating-With-secondlifeWind'.


WEDNESDAY, June 6 from 18.00 - 20.00 hrs

Rietveldstudents Unstable Media / Interaction Design are presenting and testing the alternative interfaces, they designed.

Location: Mediamatic, Post CS Building, ground floor, Amsterdam

You only live TWICE
De Rietveld Academie in Second Life

ZONDAG 10 juni om 21.00 uur

Een gevarieerde avond waarop studenten grafisch ontwerpen in Second Life gaan met Conversations falling from the sky - Confessions of a submissive avatar - 'Der Lauf der Prims' - The evolution of a fashionable newbie - en meer ...

En de premiere van de nieuwe virtuele geluidsinstallatie 'Resonating-With-secondlifeWind' van Edo Paulus aka Autopoiesis.


WOENSDAG 6 juni van 18.00 - 20.00 uur

Studenten Unstable Media / Interaction Design van de Rietveldacademie tonen en testen de alternatieve interfaces, die ze hebben ontworpen.


Locatie: Mediamatic, Post CS Gebouw, begane grond, Amsterdam

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