黑 鳥 Musings on contemporary art issues. Graffiti, street culture, urban painting, new media art, Second Life, blogging, internet resources, music, film, video & anything else that comes up. London Edition.
30 March 2008
27 March 2008
A CERTAIN MESS - de Brakke Grond
Ang, Gilissen, Konrad, Lindhout
ZA 08 T/M ZO 30.03.08
Vier kunstenaars presenteren hun werk in een tentoonstelling die beschouwd kan worden als een beeldende component van het symposium over masteropleidingen in Fine Art, dat op 8 maart in de Brakke Grond in Amsterdam werd gehouden.
Vanuit de samenwerking tussen de masters-opleidingen van de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht en de Hogeschool Sint-Lukas te Brussel komen twee aan deze instituten verbonden docenten en twee (voormalige) studenten in deze tentoonstelling samen om onder andere de terminologie van het ‘mastership’ aan de orde te stellen. Zonder een kritische blik op het educatieve systeem los te laten, verkiezen de kunstenaars recent werk te tonen dat zich vanuit zijn autonomie verhoudt tot het werk van de anderen en het heersende discours omtrent de kunstvakopleidingen.
Joris Lindhout (Utrecht, 1981) beschouwt zijn nog jonge praktijk als een zich continuerend parcours van communicatie en kennisverwerving dat zich o.a. vertaalt in het bijeenbrengen van leesgroepen waarbinnen hij zich opstelt als organisator, moderator én deelnemer. Deze diversiteit aan rollen levert materiaal op waarmee een soort pamfletten worden gemaakt die een symbiose vormen tussen woord en beeld.
Filip Gilissen (Brussel, 1980) toont 'The Politics Of Success', een installatie waarbinnen een 6 minuten durende teaser uit het oeuvre van succes coach Brian Tracey wordt gescreend. Deze videoles of peptalk afkomstig van YouTube, in combinatie met de symposium simulatie, wensen een gevoel van vooruitgang in denken en visuele cultuur te bevragen.
Tiong Ang (Surabaya, 1961) laat in een samenstelling van posters, schilderijen en video’s een uiteenzetting zien van zijn hybride praktijk waarbinnen een solitaire, vanuit een modernistische traditie werkende atelierkunstenaar kan samensmelten met de mobiliteit van interdisciplinariteit, samenwerking en bevraging van de nieuwe media.
Aglaia Konrad (Salzburg, 1960) toont haar nieuwe 16mm film ‘sculpture house’ waarin architectuur en sculptuur in elkaar overvloeien. Het geluidswerk ‘conversaties’ laat verschillende posities rond architectuur en beeldhouwkunst aan het woord.
Four artists present their work in an exhibition that may be regarded as the visual component of the symposium on Master courses in Fine Art which was held in Brakke Grond, Amsterdam on 8 March.
As a result of the collaboration between the Masters courses at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht and the Hogeschool Sint-Lukas in Brussels, two of their staff members and two former students meet at the exhibition in order to discuss, among other things, the terminology of ‘mastership’. Without abandoning their critical view of the educational system, the artists have chosen to display recent work which, while being autonomous, relates to the work of the others and the present discourse around professional training in the arts.
Joris Lindhout (Utrecht, 1981) regards his budding practice as a self-continuing track of communication and acquisition of expertise which manifests itself in the bringing together of reading groups in which he acts as organiser and moderator as well as a participant. This diversity of roles gives rise to pamphlets that are a symbiosis of text and image.
Filip Gilissen (Brussels, 1980) Throughout the show
A Certain Mess, a 6 minute teaser on creativity selected from the oeuvre of business success trainer Brian Tracey, will be looped or screened in a simulated symposium setup. The video lesson or pep talk is accompanied of melodic in- and outro from The Success Training Channel - announcing Brian's coming but also referring to a web presence (TSTN.COM) where more of this success footage can be consulted. The installation wishes to focus a displaced audience on Tracey's definition of creativity and questions a certain sense of progress in thinking and visual culture.
Tiong Ang (Surabaya, 1961) displays, in a combination of posters, paintings and videos, a sample card of his hybrid practice within which a solitary studio artist, working from a modernistic tradition, can amalgamate with the communicative agency of interdisciplinarity, collaboration and questioning of the new media.
Aglaia Konrad (Salzburg, 1960) shows her new 16mm film ‘Sculpture House’ in which architecture and sculpture merge. De- and re-constructions of fragmentation, contradictions and cinematographic staging are some of the methods with which she allows us to share her perception of urban public space in installations.
MAANDAG: 13h00 - 18h00
DINSDAG T/M VRIJDAG: 10h00 – 20h30
ZATERDAG: 13h00 – 20h30
ZONDAG: 13h00 – 17h00
Ang, Gilissen, Konrad, Lindhout
ZA 08 T/M ZO 30.03.08
Vier kunstenaars presenteren hun werk in een tentoonstelling die beschouwd kan worden als een beeldende component van het symposium over masteropleidingen in Fine Art, dat op 8 maart in de Brakke Grond in Amsterdam werd gehouden.
Vanuit de samenwerking tussen de masters-opleidingen van de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht en de Hogeschool Sint-Lukas te Brussel komen twee aan deze instituten verbonden docenten en twee (voormalige) studenten in deze tentoonstelling samen om onder andere de terminologie van het ‘mastership’ aan de orde te stellen. Zonder een kritische blik op het educatieve systeem los te laten, verkiezen de kunstenaars recent werk te tonen dat zich vanuit zijn autonomie verhoudt tot het werk van de anderen en het heersende discours omtrent de kunstvakopleidingen.
Joris Lindhout (Utrecht, 1981) beschouwt zijn nog jonge praktijk als een zich continuerend parcours van communicatie en kennisverwerving dat zich o.a. vertaalt in het bijeenbrengen van leesgroepen waarbinnen hij zich opstelt als organisator, moderator én deelnemer. Deze diversiteit aan rollen levert materiaal op waarmee een soort pamfletten worden gemaakt die een symbiose vormen tussen woord en beeld.
Filip Gilissen (Brussel, 1980) toont 'The Politics Of Success', een installatie waarbinnen een 6 minuten durende teaser uit het oeuvre van succes coach Brian Tracey wordt gescreend. Deze videoles of peptalk afkomstig van YouTube, in combinatie met de symposium simulatie, wensen een gevoel van vooruitgang in denken en visuele cultuur te bevragen.
Tiong Ang (Surabaya, 1961) laat in een samenstelling van posters, schilderijen en video’s een uiteenzetting zien van zijn hybride praktijk waarbinnen een solitaire, vanuit een modernistische traditie werkende atelierkunstenaar kan samensmelten met de mobiliteit van interdisciplinariteit, samenwerking en bevraging van de nieuwe media.
Aglaia Konrad (Salzburg, 1960) toont haar nieuwe 16mm film ‘sculpture house’ waarin architectuur en sculptuur in elkaar overvloeien. Het geluidswerk ‘conversaties’ laat verschillende posities rond architectuur en beeldhouwkunst aan het woord.
Four artists present their work in an exhibition that may be regarded as the visual component of the symposium on Master courses in Fine Art which was held in Brakke Grond, Amsterdam on 8 March.
As a result of the collaboration between the Masters courses at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht and the Hogeschool Sint-Lukas in Brussels, two of their staff members and two former students meet at the exhibition in order to discuss, among other things, the terminology of ‘mastership’. Without abandoning their critical view of the educational system, the artists have chosen to display recent work which, while being autonomous, relates to the work of the others and the present discourse around professional training in the arts.
Joris Lindhout (Utrecht, 1981) regards his budding practice as a self-continuing track of communication and acquisition of expertise which manifests itself in the bringing together of reading groups in which he acts as organiser and moderator as well as a participant. This diversity of roles gives rise to pamphlets that are a symbiosis of text and image.
Filip Gilissen (Brussels, 1980) Throughout the show
A Certain Mess, a 6 minute teaser on creativity selected from the oeuvre of business success trainer Brian Tracey, will be looped or screened in a simulated symposium setup. The video lesson or pep talk is accompanied of melodic in- and outro from The Success Training Channel - announcing Brian's coming but also referring to a web presence (TSTN.COM) where more of this success footage can be consulted. The installation wishes to focus a displaced audience on Tracey's definition of creativity and questions a certain sense of progress in thinking and visual culture.
Tiong Ang (Surabaya, 1961) displays, in a combination of posters, paintings and videos, a sample card of his hybrid practice within which a solitary studio artist, working from a modernistic tradition, can amalgamate with the communicative agency of interdisciplinarity, collaboration and questioning of the new media.
Aglaia Konrad (Salzburg, 1960) shows her new 16mm film ‘Sculpture House’ in which architecture and sculpture merge. De- and re-constructions of fragmentation, contradictions and cinematographic staging are some of the methods with which she allows us to share her perception of urban public space in installations.
MAANDAG: 13h00 - 18h00
DINSDAG T/M VRIJDAG: 10h00 – 20h30
ZATERDAG: 13h00 – 20h30
ZONDAG: 13h00 – 17h00
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Programma maart/april/mei
Territorial Phantom
Opening 28 maart om 17.00 uur
Tentoonstelling 29 maart -12 mei
Met werk van: AES+F Group, Yael Bartana, Cao Fei, Yolande Harris, Marine Hugonnier, Karen Lancel, Lucas Lenglet, Raqs Media Collective, State of Sabotage, Artur Zmijewski.
Met een mix aan attitudes, opvattingen en vormen reageren de kunstenaars in Territorial Phantom op het innemen en bezetten van ruimte. In de huidige claim- en bezettingscultuur eigenen organisaties, bedrijven en landen zichzelf steeds meer ruimte toe door openbare ruimte te privatiseren of landen te 'democratiseren' en waar nodig tegenstanders onschadelijk te maken. Tijdens de opening van 'Territorial Phantom' en op zaterdag 29 maart kun je een paspoort laten maken en hiermee inwoner worden van de 'State of Sabotage'. Deze door kunstenaars opgerichte staat is overal, of kan overal zijn: een territoriaal fantoom, een staat zonder afgebakend territorium. Hiernaast wordt gedurende de opening op drie momenten het volkslied van 'State of Sabotage' live gezongen.
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=e&id=425
1 april
Perfect Present Continuous
Video impressions on the brink of time, geo-political space and place
Videoprogramma samengesteld door gastcurator Nat Muller
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=427
5 en 6 april
Zaterdag en zondag rondleiding door de tentoonstelling om 14.00 en 16.00 uur door de tentoonstelling Territorial Phantom. Speciaal voor de kleintjes Grote Kunst voor Kleine Mensen.
Meer informatie: http://www.museumweekend.nl http://www.grotekunstvoorkleinemensen.nl/
15 april
Navigating the Space of the Future
Seminar over Global Positioning technologies met presentaties van: Yolande Harris, David Dunn en Atau Tanaka
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=430
6 mei
Dora Garcia
Artist talk en vertoning van Zimmer, Gespräche, 2006, een project rond de audio-visuele archieven van de GDR politie of Stasi.
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=429
7 t/m 12 mei
Tijdelijk Museum Amsterdam tijdens Art Amsterdam
Cultuur 3.0, de toekomst van e-Cultuur in Nederland
8 april 2008 van 14:00 tot 18:00 uur
Post CS gebouw, Club 11, Oosterdokskade 3-5 in Amsterdam
Cultuur 3.0 toont de state of the art van de Nederlandse e-Cultuur. Cultuur 3.0 is de networking opportunity voor iedereen binnen de Nederlandse e-Cultuur.
(English info)
Netherlands Media Art Institute
Program March/April/May
Territorial Phantom
Opening March 28, 5:00 pm
Exhibition March 28 – May 12
Artists: AES+F Group, Yael Bartana, Cao Fei, Yolande Harris, Marine Hugonnier, Karen Lancel, Lucas Lenglet, Raqs Media Collective, State of Sabotage, Artur Zmijewski.
Employing a whole mix of attitudes, viewpoints and forms, the artists in Territorial Phantom respond to occupying and possessing space. In today's culture, based around claiming and possession, organizations, businesses and countries appropriate ever more space, by privatizing public space or bringing 'democracy' to countries, and where necessary eliminating opponents. During the opening of 'Territorial Phantom' and on Saturday March 29 one can have a passport made and become a resident of the 'State of Sabotage'. This state, established by artists, is everywhere, or can be everywhere: a territorial phantom, a state without delimited territory. Besides this, the anthem of 'State of Sabotage' will be performed live during the opening three times.
More information:
April 1
Perfect Present Continuous
Video impressions on the brink of time, geo-political space and place
Video program curated by Nat Muller
More information: http://www.montevideo.nl/en/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=251
April 5 and 6
Museum weekend
April 15
Navigating the Space of the Future
Seminar about Global Positioning technologies with presentations by: Yolande Harris, David Dunn and Atau Tanaka
More information: http://www.montevideo.nl/en/index_agenda.php?cat=l&id=255
May 6
Dora Garcia
Artist talk and screening of Zimmer, Gespräche, 2006, a project around the audio-visual archives of the GDR political police, or Stasi.
More information: http://www.montevideo.nl/en/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=250
May 7-12
Temporary Museum Amsterdam, during Art Amsterdam
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst /
Netherlands Media Art Institute
Programma maart/april/mei
Territorial Phantom
Opening 28 maart om 17.00 uur
Tentoonstelling 29 maart -12 mei
Met werk van: AES+F Group, Yael Bartana, Cao Fei, Yolande Harris, Marine Hugonnier, Karen Lancel, Lucas Lenglet, Raqs Media Collective, State of Sabotage, Artur Zmijewski.
Met een mix aan attitudes, opvattingen en vormen reageren de kunstenaars in Territorial Phantom op het innemen en bezetten van ruimte. In de huidige claim- en bezettingscultuur eigenen organisaties, bedrijven en landen zichzelf steeds meer ruimte toe door openbare ruimte te privatiseren of landen te 'democratiseren' en waar nodig tegenstanders onschadelijk te maken. Tijdens de opening van 'Territorial Phantom' en op zaterdag 29 maart kun je een paspoort laten maken en hiermee inwoner worden van de 'State of Sabotage'. Deze door kunstenaars opgerichte staat is overal, of kan overal zijn: een territoriaal fantoom, een staat zonder afgebakend territorium. Hiernaast wordt gedurende de opening op drie momenten het volkslied van 'State of Sabotage' live gezongen.
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=e&id=425
1 april
Perfect Present Continuous
Video impressions on the brink of time, geo-political space and place
Videoprogramma samengesteld door gastcurator Nat Muller
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=427
5 en 6 april
Zaterdag en zondag rondleiding door de tentoonstelling om 14.00 en 16.00 uur door de tentoonstelling Territorial Phantom. Speciaal voor de kleintjes Grote Kunst voor Kleine Mensen.
Meer informatie: http://www.museumweekend.nl http://www.grotekunstvoorkleinemensen.nl/
15 april
Navigating the Space of the Future
Seminar over Global Positioning technologies met presentaties van: Yolande Harris, David Dunn en Atau Tanaka
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=430
6 mei
Dora Garcia
Artist talk en vertoning van Zimmer, Gespräche, 2006, een project rond de audio-visuele archieven van de GDR politie of Stasi.
Meer informatie: http://www.montevideo.nl/nl/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=429
7 t/m 12 mei
Tijdelijk Museum Amsterdam tijdens Art Amsterdam
Cultuur 3.0, de toekomst van e-Cultuur in Nederland
8 april 2008 van 14:00 tot 18:00 uur
Post CS gebouw, Club 11, Oosterdokskade 3-5 in Amsterdam
Cultuur 3.0 toont de state of the art van de Nederlandse e-Cultuur. Cultuur 3.0 is de networking opportunity voor iedereen binnen de Nederlandse e-Cultuur.
(English info)
Netherlands Media Art Institute
Program March/April/May
Territorial Phantom
Opening March 28, 5:00 pm
Exhibition March 28 – May 12
Artists: AES+F Group, Yael Bartana, Cao Fei, Yolande Harris, Marine Hugonnier, Karen Lancel, Lucas Lenglet, Raqs Media Collective, State of Sabotage, Artur Zmijewski.
Employing a whole mix of attitudes, viewpoints and forms, the artists in Territorial Phantom respond to occupying and possessing space. In today's culture, based around claiming and possession, organizations, businesses and countries appropriate ever more space, by privatizing public space or bringing 'democracy' to countries, and where necessary eliminating opponents. During the opening of 'Territorial Phantom' and on Saturday March 29 one can have a passport made and become a resident of the 'State of Sabotage'. This state, established by artists, is everywhere, or can be everywhere: a territorial phantom, a state without delimited territory. Besides this, the anthem of 'State of Sabotage' will be performed live during the opening three times.
More information:
April 1
Perfect Present Continuous
Video impressions on the brink of time, geo-political space and place
Video program curated by Nat Muller
More information: http://www.montevideo.nl/en/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=251
April 5 and 6
Museum weekend
April 15
Navigating the Space of the Future
Seminar about Global Positioning technologies with presentations by: Yolande Harris, David Dunn and Atau Tanaka
More information: http://www.montevideo.nl/en/index_agenda.php?cat=l&id=255
May 6
Dora Garcia
Artist talk and screening of Zimmer, Gespräche, 2006, a project around the audio-visual archives of the GDR political police, or Stasi.
More information: http://www.montevideo.nl/en/index_agenda.php?cat=s&id=250
May 7-12
Temporary Museum Amsterdam, during Art Amsterdam
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst /
Netherlands Media Art Institute
KochxBos Gallery
KochxBos Gallery Amsterdam You are invited / u bent uitgenodigd,
Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk - Salon Printemps 2008
Monumentaal keramiek en olieverfschilderijen
Expositie: 29 maart tm 17 mei 2008
Opening 29 maart 16:00-19:00 uur
Welkom in de Kunstsalon van een Dame. Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk (alias Cirque de Pepin) omringt zijn nieuwste keramiekbeeld 'De Dame en haar dwerg' door kunstwerken, schilderijen en keramiek met een hang naar nostalgie en melancholie. Aan het beeld is veertien maanden gewerkt en rond de 400 kilogram klei verwerkt.
In de werken zien we bekende- en minder bekende personages, dieren, Kardinalen en intellectuelen opdraven. De Dodo bijvoorbeeld, als Messias terugkerend op aarde om te ontdekken dat de mens zelf verdwenen is. Het Zeeuws meisje in een allegorie op het verdwijnende landschap en op de verloren onschuld. Zware onderwerpen, maar gelukkig valt er ook nog te lachen in Pepijn's kunstkabinet van een Dame: gepassioneerde Kardinalen, lelijke intellectuelen en schattige blauwe vogeltjes.
In de 16e en 17e eeuw was het erg modieus in hogere adellijke kringen om dwergen als personeel te hebben. Zo'n kleine 'personal assistant' gaf een 'groot aanzien'. Een schilderij van Rubens waarop een adellijke Veronese dame zich met haar dwerg liet portretteren inspireerde Van Den Nieuwendijk tot dit monumentale werk. Zoals veel van Van Den Nieuwendijks kunstwerken toont dit kunstwerk ons het spel van de passie, macht en het belang van goud tegenover onze zwakte, onmacht en angst.
Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk (1970) woont in Den Haag waar hij aan monumentale keramieken beelden en olieverfschilderijen werkt.
Zijn inspiratie vindt hij bij Victoriaanse kunst zoals het werk van de Symbolisten Arnold Böcklin en Viktor Vasnetsov, oude natuurhistorische boeken, Katholieke devotieprenten en het werk van The Arts and Crafts movement van William Morris. Ook is Van den Nieuwendijk een groot liefhebber van hedendaagse underground- en mainstream kunstvormen als strips, illustraties en animatiefilms.
Na de opleiding aan de Koninklijke Academie te Den Haag volgen exposities bij o.a. Showroom MAMA, De Kunsthal, Pulchri, GasUnie en diverse Beeldentuinen.
Het beeld 'De dame en haar dwerg' zal voor het eerst te zien zijn bij KochxBos Gallery te Amsterdam vanaf 29 maart 2008.
Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk (1970) lives in The Hague, The Netherlands where he works on (monumental) three-dimensional ceramic objects and oil paintings.
His inspiration largely comes from Victorian artists like the Symbolists Arnold Böcklin and Viktor Vasnetsov, Catholic devotion cards and works of the The Arts and Crafts movement of William Morris. Van den Nieuwendijk is also a great admirer of temporary underground- en mainstream art-forms such as comics, illustrations en animation movies.
After his graduation at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, The Hague he exhibited at Showroom MAMA,
De Kunsthal, Pulchri, GasUnie and several Sculpture gardens.
Unwired - Go Gallery
GO Gallery invites you for the opening show of the exhibition UNWIRED,
on Saturday March 29th, from 17.00 until 20.00 hrs.
The exhibition UNWIRED will be on display until the 12 of May 2008.
SIT (Amsterdam, 1976)
Years ago, Sit, formerly know as Freakin Sitnie, made headlines in the Amsterdam Street-Art scene with his distinct style, sharp lines and obstinate artworks. Inspired by Comic illustrators such as Simon Bisley, Sam Keith, Todd Mcfarlane and Jamie Hewlett, he perfected his own style. He was very successful in a very short time. One could admire his works everywhere, at events, in clubs, from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
But he soon realised that this was temporary and a one-way street. Sit wanted more. The Mac had taken over his canvas and the inspiration was limited to what appeared on his screen. That’s when he drew the line. Dissatisfied with our digitally manipulated and superficial society, he went back to the basics.
Sit had to detoxify from bits and bytes, media, hypes, lovers, haters and colours to find the true essence of creativity again. No more digital drama, no more BS.
UNWIRED is the documented process of his everyday struggle to get unwired. The progress from feeling lost to finding purity. It not only took him a full year to transfer his new found creativity in images, but also to master all sorts of new techniques and a skills. Now he feels he finally has enough work to exhibit, which is a true representation of the new ´Sit´. All is documented in black and white. So, absorb his scratches, sketches, strokes and scrapings. Step into Sit’s world and experience that we are all sick bastards who all wear straitjackets.
So, there you are…finally, UNWIRED!!!
Also on Saturday March 29th, openings of new exhibitions at galleries from the Jordaankwartier (Jordan Art Quarter) :
Galerie George Cent, Galerie KochxBos and Galerie Buuf
For more information: www.gogallery.nl
or contact us at:
GO Gallery
Prinsengracht 64
1015 DX Amsterdam
on Saturday March 29th, from 17.00 until 20.00 hrs.
The exhibition UNWIRED will be on display until the 12 of May 2008.
SIT (Amsterdam, 1976)
Years ago, Sit, formerly know as Freakin Sitnie, made headlines in the Amsterdam Street-Art scene with his distinct style, sharp lines and obstinate artworks. Inspired by Comic illustrators such as Simon Bisley, Sam Keith, Todd Mcfarlane and Jamie Hewlett, he perfected his own style. He was very successful in a very short time. One could admire his works everywhere, at events, in clubs, from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
But he soon realised that this was temporary and a one-way street. Sit wanted more. The Mac had taken over his canvas and the inspiration was limited to what appeared on his screen. That’s when he drew the line. Dissatisfied with our digitally manipulated and superficial society, he went back to the basics.
Sit had to detoxify from bits and bytes, media, hypes, lovers, haters and colours to find the true essence of creativity again. No more digital drama, no more BS.
UNWIRED is the documented process of his everyday struggle to get unwired. The progress from feeling lost to finding purity. It not only took him a full year to transfer his new found creativity in images, but also to master all sorts of new techniques and a skills. Now he feels he finally has enough work to exhibit, which is a true representation of the new ´Sit´. All is documented in black and white. So, absorb his scratches, sketches, strokes and scrapings. Step into Sit’s world and experience that we are all sick bastards who all wear straitjackets.
So, there you are…finally, UNWIRED!!!
Also on Saturday March 29th, openings of new exhibitions at galleries from the Jordaankwartier (Jordan Art Quarter) :
Galerie George Cent, Galerie KochxBos and Galerie Buuf
For more information: www.gogallery.nl
or contact us at:
GO Gallery
Prinsengracht 64
1015 DX Amsterdam
25 March 2008
an expert's tour of second life
With a population rivalling that of London, Second Life is an extraordinary online world that is imagined and created by its users, or more aptly, residents.
Take a tour of this much-discussed cultural phenomenon with Australia's first artists in residence in Second Life - new media artist, composer, programmer, performer and writer Adam Nash and graphic designer, web developer and new media artist Chris Dodds.
Thu 27 Mar 2008, 6pm
Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI), Melbourne
Graffiti Creator
Welcome to Graffiti Creator where you are free to spray graffiti to your heart's content without having to look over your shoulder or worry about getting paint on your clothes...
Type the graffiti you want to see sprayed onto the wall and watch it happen...
Type the graffiti you want to see sprayed onto the wall and watch it happen...
19 March 2008
18 March 2008
17 March 2008
Gaming Politics
"NEW YORK -- In the video game that Wafaa Bilal created, his avatar is steely-eyed and hooded, with an automatic rifle at his side, an ammunition belt around his waist, a fuse in his hand and the mien of a knightly suicide-bomber. He is the "Virtual Jihadi."
The Iraqi-born, Chicago-based artist said he adapted his game from an earlier version made by al-Qaeda's media branch to raise questions about Americans' conceptions of the enemy in Iraq.
His work was briefly exhibited Thursday night at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. The game was projected on a giant screen so that one viewer at a time could play -- until administrators shut down the show Friday morning. The institute needed time to review the show's "origin, content and intent," said William N. Walker, a vice president."
full story
16 March 2008
March 2008 subject index I
Print Australia
february 2008 subject index
Lyrebyrd - How to join
Paper Research
Gosford Fringe Festival 1997
Gosford Fringe Festival 1998
Artspace 1998
'Junin Toiro' - 1999
New Year Card Exchange 2000 -2007
Lyrebyrd Miniature Print Exchange #2 - SSNW03
Lyrebyrd Miniature Print Exchange #3 - SSNW04
Lyrebyrd Miniature Print Exchange #4 - Miniprint 2006
Lyrebyrd Miniature Print Exchange #5 - miniprint 2007
Adelaide Fringe 2004
Nature Print Exchange 2004
Non-Toxic Exchange 2005
Manga Mania - Frankfurt
Two in One - Miniprint Exhibition
Printed - NGA
Afterall - Spring issue
Fabbing - Berlin
Millais at the Van Gogh Museum
My Street, My City
Pinakothek der Moderne, München
George Baselitz
Jonathan Meese
Gosia Wlodarczak
Archibald 2008
Naked in the Church
Katie Holten
'If I Can't Dance...' - review
Internationale vrouwendag
Kroonjuwelen - Amsterdam Graffiti Film
Henxs Graffiti Shop
Joram Roukes
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
New Media
Urban Typography
Lo-Tech VJ workshop
Lyrebyrd - How to join
07 March 2008
Internationale vrouwendag
8 maart Internationale vrouwendag
met Mama Cash, WOMEN Inc. en La Strada Fun, ontmoeting, kunst, literatuur en cultuur op Internationale Vrouwendag 8 maart 2008 in Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam.
Met een opening van wethouder Hennah Buyne, optredens van Joy Wielkens, Zanillya en DJ Suna, de boekenstand van Savannah Bay en levensgrote portretten van sterke en inspirerende Amsterdamse vrouwen, gepresenteerd door Kirsten van den Hul en Aaliyah Bochah.
Klik hier voor het programma
Klik hier voor de e-flyer
Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179 Amsterdam
Voor meer informatie:
International Women's day webcasts
Urban Typography
Urban Typography Workshop
Get inspiration from the streets!
3 | 4 April 2008, 10.00 – 17.00
Graffiti artist ZedZ and artist Wayne Horse join forces with (graphic) designer Mirthe Blussé to help you explore the design and application of typography in the urban context. In two workshop days, they will show and discuss their work, and guide you in developing your project. You will use the FabLab machines for making prototypes.
€ 200 incl. BTW if you are a freelancer (this is the normal price).
For more info and/or registration visit: Urban Typography
Oosterdokskade 5, Post CS building, 5th floor South, Amsterdam
Joram Roukes
Carharttstore Amsterdam presents Joram Roukes ' Drawings and paintings' .
You're invited to our new exhibition and opening of Joram Roukes 'Drawings and paintings'.
The opening will be on friday evening 7th of March, from 18:30 - 21:30,
The show will be running till 07-05-2008.
Tunes by Lamme Tonnie (Rednose Distrikt).
Check out Joram's myspace ------> www.myspace.com/joramroukes
Regards, Carhartt Store Amsterdam
Hartenstraat 18 1016 CB Amsterdam
You're invited to our new exhibition and opening of Joram Roukes 'Drawings and paintings'.
The opening will be on friday evening 7th of March, from 18:30 - 21:30,
The show will be running till 07-05-2008.
Tunes by Lamme Tonnie (Rednose Distrikt).
Check out Joram's myspace ------> www.myspace.com/joramroukes
Regards, Carhartt Store Amsterdam
Hartenstraat 18 1016 CB Amsterdam
Lo-Tech VJ workshop
The post-digital approach to VJ-ing
20 March 2008
By using and combining various sources of projections and lights, fingercams, mirrors, foils, lenses, projection surfaces and more, participants will explore non digital ways to generate amazing visual trickery.
In one day participants will work towards a live performance in the evening at about 20.00 hrs, with the acoustic-electric impro collective Oorbeek.
For more info and/or registration visit: Lo-tech VJ workshop
Oosterdokskade 5, Post CS building, 5th floor South, Amsterdam
The retro post-digital approach to VJ-ing. By using and combining various sources of projections and lights, fingercams, mirrors, foils, lenses, projection surfaces and more, participants will explore non digital ways to generate amazing visual trickery.
In one day participants will work towards a live performance, open to public, that will take place around 8 0'clock with the acoustic-electric impro collective Oorbeek.
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer and light technician Tom Verheijen.
€ 75 incl. VAT
Bring your own lunch!
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
"Hunger & Work in a Savage Tribe"
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
April 4th till April 27 2008 in ABC Treehouse Gallery
Opening Sunday April 6th: 16:00 -- 18:00
From April 4 till April 27 2008, curators Blaton & Rypson in conjunction with ABC Treehouse Gallery will organize the two man-exhibition "Hunger & Work in a Savage Tribe" of guerrilla-poet Laser 3.14 and multimedium-artist Jimmy Rage.
"Hunger & Work in a Savage Tribe"
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
Laser & Rage are artists that deal explicitly and directly with subverting pervasive messages, real and unreal, seen and unseen, in everyday living. One only has to see these obscure mantras scrawled on our walls, left right and centre. It is everywhere and nowhere.
Imagine the forgotten corners, alleyways and dark streets dragged into one space.
This is the starting point and theme of "Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe" by Laser 3.14 and Jimmy Rage.
While Laser 3.14 bombs public spaces, often time the street, with his poetically charged messages, that go from cryptic to funny and ironic; Jimmy Rage creates multi-layered, multi-collaged works of art that can be dark and brooding, drawn or written, found objects and readymades. In short: both artists, Laser and Rage create new poetry out of the debris of our media-driven consumer environment. As Jimmy Rage says; "Listen, hunger and work in a savage tribe, is man, woman, food and sex. Movement of day to night… the growth of the industrial rubble… Jungian parables… essentially… city as jungle".
From April 4 to April 27 the ABC Treehouse Gallery will be transformed with paintings, drawings, objects and implements for fishing by Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage.
For more information about Laser 3.14 and Jimmy Rage and press-photos: www.laser314.com/laserage/pageindeks.html
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
"Hunger & Work in a Savage Tribe"
April 4 till April 27 2008 at ABC Treehouse Gallery
Vernisage Sunday April 6: 16:00 – 18:00
ABC Treehouse Gallery,
Voetboogstraat 11,
1012 XK Amsterdam
tel: +31 (0)20-423 09 67
Open Thursday till Sunday, 13-18 pm.
Fan Video
Laser 3.14 (Conscious Graffiti from Amsterdam) hiphop
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
April 4th till April 27 2008 in ABC Treehouse Gallery
Opening Sunday April 6th: 16:00 -- 18:00
From April 4 till April 27 2008, curators Blaton & Rypson in conjunction with ABC Treehouse Gallery will organize the two man-exhibition "Hunger & Work in a Savage Tribe" of guerrilla-poet Laser 3.14 and multimedium-artist Jimmy Rage.
"Hunger & Work in a Savage Tribe"
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
Laser & Rage are artists that deal explicitly and directly with subverting pervasive messages, real and unreal, seen and unseen, in everyday living. One only has to see these obscure mantras scrawled on our walls, left right and centre. It is everywhere and nowhere.
Imagine the forgotten corners, alleyways and dark streets dragged into one space.
This is the starting point and theme of "Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe" by Laser 3.14 and Jimmy Rage.
While Laser 3.14 bombs public spaces, often time the street, with his poetically charged messages, that go from cryptic to funny and ironic; Jimmy Rage creates multi-layered, multi-collaged works of art that can be dark and brooding, drawn or written, found objects and readymades. In short: both artists, Laser and Rage create new poetry out of the debris of our media-driven consumer environment. As Jimmy Rage says; "Listen, hunger and work in a savage tribe, is man, woman, food and sex. Movement of day to night… the growth of the industrial rubble… Jungian parables… essentially… city as jungle".
From April 4 to April 27 the ABC Treehouse Gallery will be transformed with paintings, drawings, objects and implements for fishing by Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage.
For more information about Laser 3.14 and Jimmy Rage and press-photos: www.laser314.com/laserage/pageindeks.html
Laser 3.14 & Jimmy Rage
"Hunger & Work in a Savage Tribe"
April 4 till April 27 2008 at ABC Treehouse Gallery
Vernisage Sunday April 6: 16:00 – 18:00
ABC Treehouse Gallery,
Voetboogstraat 11,
1012 XK Amsterdam
tel: +31 (0)20-423 09 67
Open Thursday till Sunday, 13-18 pm.
Fan Video
Laser 3.14 (Conscious Graffiti from Amsterdam) hiphop
My Street, My City
March 9th to 29th, 2008
Opening Reception March 9th, 4pm - 6pm
ABC Treehouse
Voetboogstraat 11
1012 XK Amsterdam
A series of 70 photos by students between the ages of 14 and 18 from Amsterdam West.
Under the direction of the visual artist Abousleiman, with support from the city of Amsterdam in partnership with R&B Amsterdam.
Opening Reception March 9th, 4pm - 6pm
ABC Treehouse
Voetboogstraat 11
1012 XK Amsterdam
A series of 70 photos by students between the ages of 14 and 18 from Amsterdam West.
Under the direction of the visual artist Abousleiman, with support from the city of Amsterdam in partnership with R&B Amsterdam.
Kroonjuwelen - Amsterdam Graffiti Film
Kroonjuwelen - Hard times, Good times,Better times FULL VERSION
1 uur 16 min 10 sec. - 1 sep. 2007
Hard Times, Good Times, Better Times. The history and rise of graffiti in Amsterdam. The story tells the happenings of Amsterdam graffiti writers and -artists.
Hard Times, Good Times, Better Times. De geschiedenis en opkomst van de graffiti in Amsterdam. Het verhaal vertelt de belevenissen van Amsterdamse graffitischrijvers en –kunstenaars.
Also on Youtube
03 March 2008
Henxs Graffiti Shop
Kijken bij bijzondere winkels in de stad is helemaal niet erg, vandaar dat we daar iedere twee weken een filmpje van gaan maken. De aftrap vond plaats in Henxs Graffiti Shop in de Sint Antoniesbreestraat. 'Wij gaan erg persoonlijk met de gasten om'. En zo is het.
Henxs Graffiti Shop in de Sint Antoniesbreestraat
For visitors to Amsterdam, the shop is adjacent to the Rembrandt House, and the paint stall is in the Waterlooplein Markets. From central station turn left-ish into the Zeedijk, walk to Nieuwemarket and the Waag. Exit on the opposite of the square into Sint Antoniesbreestraat. Its on your right, just before the locks.
Starting out in 1992 selling spraypaint on the Waterloosquare market our stall fastly became the most famous spot for buying spraypaint in Holland and far abroad. From day one we offer you the best brands (i.e MTN,Bombers Best, Belton, Molotow and Flexa) for the lowest price. We were the ones to introduce Belton and Montana to the dutch graffiti scene.
Henxs Graffiti Shop in de Sint Antoniesbreestraat
For visitors to Amsterdam, the shop is adjacent to the Rembrandt House, and the paint stall is in the Waterlooplein Markets. From central station turn left-ish into the Zeedijk, walk to Nieuwemarket and the Waag. Exit on the opposite of the square into Sint Antoniesbreestraat. Its on your right, just before the locks.
Starting out in 1992 selling spraypaint on the Waterloosquare market our stall fastly became the most famous spot for buying spraypaint in Holland and far abroad. From day one we offer you the best brands (i.e MTN,Bombers Best, Belton, Molotow and Flexa) for the lowest price. We were the ones to introduce Belton and Montana to the dutch graffiti scene.
february 2008 subject index
Print Australia
January 2008 Subject Index
Blakkbyrd on Flickr
Kopen & Lopen Kunstwinkel
"Let it Rain" Umbrella roadshow 2007
Sacred Tree Print Exchange
Dedalo - May 2007
Projects -part 1: Print Australia Exchanges
IF I CAN’T DANCE - part 1
IF I CAN’T DANCE - part 2
Gender Studies - Feminism, Women's art
Biennales Artshows
2008 Biennale of Sydney - Online
Art Brussels 2008
5th berlin biennial for contemporary art
Writing About Art
New Graffiti offensive at Hotel Dassault
Education and the Future of The Virtual Web
Christoph Büchel & Mass MoCA
Monique Horstmann
More Graff Gran
Female graffiti writers
Gender Studies - Feminism, Women's art
Modern Australian Women
Beautiful Losers at Monster Children
Bomb It - trailers
Computer Games, Law, Regulation and Policy Symposium
Game On- Melbourne
new media
Sonic Acts XII
Sonic Acts XII exhibition
Sonic Acts Festival - Fabchannel
Workshop by Furtherfield.org
Vertigo - Montevideo
Rhizome's 2009 Commissions
Digital Art Week - Scan
Male Restroom Etiquette
Temporary Graffiti for Tribe Art Projects
'Mr. Deeds goes to town - W139
Galerie Bart
Grow Ups
wayne horse
Maoma Workshop
Catacomb Studio
Dan Perjovschi
Drawing - Zurich
"Let it Rain" Umbrella roadshow 2007
Exhibitions in Berlin
Contemporary Art in Switzerland
The GreenGallery Guide
Advice on Art
how to make a pen for graffiti
Australian Travel posters 1930's - 1950's
The Beautiful Losers Portfolio
The world's most important Print Rooms
Old Master Prints Links
duck rock
An A-Z of Australian Graffiti
Palm Valley
January 2008 Subject Index
Blakkbyrd on Flickr
Kopen & Lopen Kunstwinkel
"Let it Rain" Umbrella roadshow 2007
Sacred Tree Print Exchange
Dedalo - May 2007
Projects -part 1: Print Australia Exchanges
IF I CAN’T DANCE - part 1
IF I CAN’T DANCE - part 2
Gender Studies - Feminism, Women's art
Biennales Artshows
2008 Biennale of Sydney - Online
Art Brussels 2008
5th berlin biennial for contemporary art
Writing About Art
New Graffiti offensive at Hotel Dassault
Education and the Future of The Virtual Web
Christoph Büchel & Mass MoCA
Monique Horstmann
More Graff Gran
Female graffiti writers
Gender Studies - Feminism, Women's art
Modern Australian Women
Beautiful Losers at Monster Children
Bomb It - trailers
Computer Games, Law, Regulation and Policy Symposium
Game On- Melbourne
new media
Sonic Acts XII
Sonic Acts XII exhibition
Sonic Acts Festival - Fabchannel
Workshop by Furtherfield.org
Vertigo - Montevideo
Rhizome's 2009 Commissions
Digital Art Week - Scan
Male Restroom Etiquette
Temporary Graffiti for Tribe Art Projects
'Mr. Deeds goes to town - W139
Galerie Bart
Grow Ups
wayne horse
Maoma Workshop
Catacomb Studio
Dan Perjovschi
Drawing - Zurich
"Let it Rain" Umbrella roadshow 2007
Exhibitions in Berlin
Contemporary Art in Switzerland
The GreenGallery Guide
Advice on Art
how to make a pen for graffiti
Australian Travel posters 1930's - 1950's
The Beautiful Losers Portfolio
The world's most important Print Rooms
Old Master Prints Links
duck rock
An A-Z of Australian Graffiti
Palm Valley
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