29 October 2005


Interactive Propaganda Film @ IDFA Amsterdam
November 27th - December 2nd

In cooperation with the International Documentary Film festival (IDFA)
Mediamatic foundation Amsterdam organizes a 6-day workshop about
interactive propaganda film. Interactive media particularly are usefull
for rhetorical and manipulative use. The possibility to be active in this
medium give the makers of interactive film unlimited possibilities to
manipulate the viewpoints of the users. About how interactive film can
contribute to the political view of the user.

The workshop is designed for up to 16 film-, tv-. radio-, or new media
makers from all over Europe. You can use your own footage (max. 40 min)
to make an interactive propaganda film and publish it on- or offline.

To make your interactive film, you'll use the ever-evolving Korsakow
software. Developed by the UdK Berlin and Mediamatic, Korsakow is a
powerful, elegant,
and easy to learn editing tool. It provides many creative possibilities
to produce your interactive movie.

Visit the Mediamatic website for more information and registration. You
can also mail workshops@mediamatic.nl or call Mediamatic

what's on in november 2005

workshop 7th november

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the barcode of the future. With RFID individual objects are equipped with a chip (an RFID tag), which can be read with an RFID reader from a range of up to several meters. To these tags a lot of desired (or undesired) data can be attached for a longer or shorter period of time. Instead of waiting for and commenting on a next hype of services that allow us to do old things in new ways, this workshop aims to seize some initiative.
How can we make use of RFID in meaningful ways? What sensible or beautiful things can be done with RFID that couldn't be done before? How can RFID be applied in a social context, in urban projects, in interaction and experience design? How can we appropriate this technology for our own purposes? In this workshop the participants design (creative) streetlevel uses of RFID.

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