04 February 2007

Laser 3.14

"Laser 3.14"
"Today I hired a detective to track me down"


The first solo-exhibition of guerrilla-poet Laser 3.14 will contain, besides an overview of his street-art, also a unique collection of paintings, drawings, video-pieces and zeefdrukken which will be exposed together for the first time.

"Yearning for a second renaissance, Laser 3.14"
"That which started with Eve should've ended with Adam, Laser 3.14"
"Shadows form from obstructed light, Laser 3.14"

These are several examples of the cryptic and poetic sentences that have sprung up in the street tapestry of Amsterdam over the past few years. The texts are mostly sprayed onto temporary construction boards and containers by the anonymous "Laser 3.14".
For the accidental passer-by, the texts can act as a trigger, jolting one into a moment of reflection and contemplation, affording another a simple smile, while yet another might hurry by obliviously and indifferently.

Laser 3.14 starts spraying graffiti in the eighties in and around Amsterdam. After stylistic meanders in comic-book-drawing painting, and poetry, he goes back to his roots, the graffiti scene. Laser 3.14 goes beyond graffiti in the strict sense though, he goes further. The form, so important in graffiti, does not dominate in Laser 3.14's work. The content however, becomes that much more important; his street-poems often betray a social-critical undercurrent, interlaced with references to politics, philosophy, poetry, music, films and religion.

24 February until 31 March 2007
Opening party on the 24th of February from 17:00 till 21:00

WM Gallery
Elandsgracht 35, 1016 TN Amsterdam tel: 020-421 11 13 fax: 020-639 19 31
Open donderdag tot en met zaterdag, 1e zondag vd maand 14-18 uur
Email :gallery@gallerywm.com Website :www.gallerywm.com

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