06 August 2005


5 August, 2005
Gabe McIntyre perardua@mac.com
Website: http://vlogeurope.com
VlogEurope! 2005

WHAT: European Videoblogger Conference
WHERE: Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Congress Center
WHEN: 9-18 September, 2005
European videobloggers will host an international conference of videobloggers to convene for nine days (9-18 September, 2004) in Amsterdam. They mean to show old media what's new in citizen journalism.

VlogEurope! begins during the IBC Conference (The World of Content Creation, Management & Delivery - http://www.ibc.org ) 9 - 11 September. Plans include press conferences and hands-on sessions that address all aspects of the creation and delivery of video for the web through videoblogging.

The balance of VlogEurope! offers people old and new to videoblogging opportunities to share experiences and discuss techniques. Daily afternoon sessions/talks will include practical advice on how to vlog, and theoretical discussions about the future of the personal media revolution that subscription-based Internet content delivery has created.

With participants from the world over, VlogEurope! ends with two days of videobloggers meeting videobloggers. The VlogEurope! finale includes a Saturday night gala, hours of videoblogging lovely Amsterdam, discussions about the future of the vlogosphere, and reflections on the 2005 conference toward future international / eurocentric conferences.

What makes videoblogging noteworthy is that it eliminates most significant barriers to media
creation and distribution. Based on the Wikipedia definition,
a vlog (short for videoblog) is a blog (short for weblog) that uses video for its primary content, and is typically accompanied by supporting text and images that provide context for the video. Videoblogs often use RSS to syndicate their content to other web sites and aggregator software (RSS readers). With an aggregator, an individual may subscribe to RSS-enabled sites and as a result, the delivery of updated content is automated. With the advent of RSS technology it became possible for content creators to distribute media to larger audiences via the Internet. The recent podcast boom was directly related to RSS technology. Videoblogs take the next logical step into the compelling world of motion pictures.

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